Somatic Feeding

Trauma Informed Nutrition for Eating Disorder Recovery


12 hour online Course

Objective: This course supports nutrition clinicians to understand how the nervous system affects the body and eating. Learn about the ways trauma influences the body and techniques to encourage somatic feeding. 

When: Meets Weekly For 8 Consecutive Tuesdays from 11 am-12:30pm EST

Start Date: Beginning July 6th, 2021

Cost: $365 must be paid by July 1st, 2021 (15% discount for organizations with 3 or more clinicians registered.)

Course Outline: 

Week 1 - Intro to Course/Intro to Nervous System

Week 2 - Polyvagal response/Window of Tolerance

Week 3 - Eating Disorders and Trauma

Week 4 - Overexercise The Nervous System

Week 5 - Techniques-Porges/ Ogden/Somatic Experiencing

Week 6 - Techniques-Hakomi/Yoga Therapy

Week 7 - Trauma informed Nutrition for Eating Disorders and Body Image Issues

Week 8 - Self Care for Nutrition Clinicians and wrap up

Format: We will be live for 8 week virtually using Zoom with PowerPoint slides. Handouts may be provided and short assignments to complete during the week will be suggested. 

Missed Sessions: What happens if you miss a week? You will receive the power point slides and any notes on the missed week. Each session will be recorded and you will receive recording if you are not able to be in class. Live attendance is highly recommended.

Supervision: Ongoing nutrition/yoga therapy supervision available for 25% reduced fee during or after course for all attendees.


This course offers 12 CEUs from The National Certification Council for Activity Professionals. A certificate of completion will be given with CEU information after the last session.

Payment Options



Chase Pay/Zelle:



Register Online:

Fill out my online form.